L/D Max modified Lancair IV Aircraft Training Outline
Goal: Improve the Lancair Pilots SA and knowledge base to produce a safer pilot. Increase the ability to identify and mitigate threats to effectively and safely complete flights in high performance aircraft.
- Apply the differences between a regular IV vs winglets/modifications aircraft.
- Flight techniques with modified aircraft improve safety margins in all aspects of flight.
- Increase SA/Stick-rudder skills.
- Improve the consistency of standard operating procedures.
- Create a philosophy of the importance of stability approach standards.
- Improve SA by proper flight path planning and task loading separation.
Ground School time requirements: 6-8 hours. Aircraft training to flight proficiency: estimate 10-12 hours. Times may vary per pilot’s abilities. All ground school topics will be demonstrated, taught, and evaluated in flight portion of training.
Items/areas of instruction:
- Wing Design- Laminar vs semi-turbulent
- Laminar- Lift/drag
- AoA vs Drag
- Airflow at stall Drag vs lift
- Stall-effect on Pitch, Roll and Yaw
- Visual sight picture/tactile feed back
Wing loading of Lancair IV’s vs Std Category GA SEL
Aircraft | Wing Area | Min weight | Max Weight | Wing Loading |
C-T210 | 175 sq ft | 2300 lbs | 4000lbs | 14.6/22.9 lbs/sq ft |
Bonanza A36TC | 181 sq ft | 2270 lbs | 3900 lbs | 12.6/21.6 lbs/sq ft |
Cirrus SR22GTS | 145 sq ft | 2250 lbs | 3400 lbs | 16.9/23.5 lbs/sq ft |
Lancair IV’s | 100 ft sq ft | 2800 lbs | 4800 lbs | 28.0/48.0 lbs/sq ft |
Flight Training
Level Unaccelerated Flight Stalls:
- Stall speed to calculations
- Speed margins above stall 1.3 Vso
Bank Angle-vs-indicated Stall Speeds:
- Level constant speed/Bank turns
- 1 G descending turns and bank angles vs stall
- Climbing turn/bank vs stall
- G-loading due to Turbulence
- G-loading due to pilot maneuvering
- Stall effects due to pilot mis-managing rudder and other controls
Aircraft/Airspeed Control:
- Airspeed control using only pitch/power
- Airspeed effects
- Flaps
- Gear
- Engine out
- w/o Feathering Propeller
- w/o Full Feathering Propeller
- Flap failures
- Zero flap landings
- Partial Flap landings
- Return to field criteria
- Glide range assessment to arrive at 3000” AGL over point of intended landing
Flight Phase Criteria:
- T.O.- Airspeed requirements at Min vs Max gross weight.
- Climb profiles.
- Cruise operation options: Reduce power vs utilizing greater speed.
- fuel saving
- motor/maintenance savings
- Standardized airspeed, configuration, and execution.
Our training standards improve upon the LOBO and Lancair Talk training. We are concentrating on teaching techniques and differences in flight characteristics that the winglet/tail mods provide. The winglet/modified aircraft will offer greater stall margins and control in all areas of operations. Our specific training, we will further refine and expand the pilots’ skill sets and their situational awareness.
Insurance requires that all pilots must have our initial and recurrent training every year to maintain insurance qualifications. We feel this would ensure proper knowledge and skill set retention.